The TransFormation Alliance will succeed by working collaboratively with other trusted partners to advance equitable transit-oriented?communities (eTOC) as a driver of economic prosperity in metro Atlanta, turning those ideals into action to create?thriving, inclusive communities that are integrated into transit.

Our Accomplishments
Launched ?En Route?, an arts based community engagement project resulting in large scale murals at four MARTA stations
Developed the ?Equity Evaluator? tool for measuring the value a development brings to a community, which has been included in MARTA?s RFP process
Spurred the creation of DCA?s new revolving loan fund for regional affordable housing developments and additional points in the QAP for TOC
Influenced MARTA?s Referendum project list with analysis of infrastructure needs around stations and community engagement
Catalyzed the City?s re-commitment to Inclusionary Housing policies
Alliance has grown to 17 Core member organizations to leverage resources and make larger impacts?